IAA Experience Format

IAA Cargobike Parcours

Showcase your latest cargo bikes at the IAA Cargobike Parcours. This is where IAA attendees can get hands-on with your models as well as those from other manufacturers, giving them the chance to thoroughly test them out.

Showcase your latest cargo bikes at the IAA Cargobike Parcours. This is where IAA attendees can get hands-on with your models as well as those from other manufacturers, giving them the chance to thoroughly test them out.

The IAA TRANSPORTATION is the leading international platform for buses, logistics, commercial vehicles and the transportation sector. From September 17th to 22nd, 2024, leading players, visionaries and experts from the industry will meet to discuss the current challenges and future opportunities of climate-neutral mobility.

The main theme of the IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 is charging infrastructure and the big question: What does the industry need to achieve the Paris climate targets?

Cargobikes make a major contribution to reducing CO2 and decarbonizing the last mile in urban areas. The Cargobike Parcours offers the opportunity to bring your latest vehicle innovations to life. Various obstacles along the course of the circuit provide test conditions that are modeled on real road conditions.

IAA Cargobike Parcours
IAA Experience

The new parcours setup

Varied driving situations and obstacles

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The new IAA Cargobike Parcours features a modern design and includes six premium elements that mimic real road conditions, providing a diverse testing experience:

  • Traversal over rough cobblestones
  • Passage over speed bumps
  • Straight curb ascent/descent
  • Crossing loose gravel/sand
  • Lateral curb ascent/descent
  • Gradient and decline

Various curve scenarios and an acceleration stretch complement the diverse offering, ensuring a unique testing experience that resonates with visitors for a long time.

Review 2022

A successful premiere in numbers

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More information

Testing and award ceremony at IAA TRANSPORTATION

The International Cargobike of the Year Award, launched by HUSS-VERLAG in 2019, will once again be presented at the IAA TRANSPORTATION in Hanover in 2024. The award honors the efforts of cargobike manufacturers in developing innovative and practical bike concepts for professional use and focuses on the trends and tendencies in this fast-growing segment. A jury of several experts is expected to test all cargobikes participating in the event on 19.09.24, divided into three classes: Light Cargobikes (<100kg payload), Heavy Cargobikes (>100kg payload), and Bike-Trailers (trailers). The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in the evening.

Book your own stage performance

Included services:

  • Bookable slots from September 17 - 20
  • Each slot has a length of 45 minutes (net stage time)
  • Neutral stage situation without sponsor
  • Screen on stage and program screen next to the stage
  • 2-3 seats on the stage or lectern
  • 25 seats in front of the stage - accessible to all IAA TRANSPORTATION visitors
  • Stage placement in the Last Mile Area in Hall 13
  • Located in the immediate vicinity of the Cargobike Parcours
  • Part of the official IAA Conference program (online and onsite)
  • Video recording of the session
  • Professional photographer for free content
  • Only bookable for exhibitors

Further information on prices and available stage times can be found here.

Speakers‘ CornersPreise und verfügbare Bühnenzeiten

Sign up now

Sign up here to register for the IAA Cargobike Parcours at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 from September 17th to 22nd, 2024 in Hannover. Further details can be found in the registration form.

Please proceed to the registration form



Do you have any questions?

IAA Experience

Simon Schönberg

Head of IAA Experience

IAA Experience for exhibitors

Overview of the formats

Let visitors test your sustainable solutions and use cases!

Let visitors test your sustainable solutions and use cases!