- Press
- Downloads

Downloads & Documents
Documents for preparation of your IAA appearance or your media coverage.
Documents for preparation of your IAA appearance or your media coverage.
- Press
- Downloads

The images are available for download in high resolution and free of charge for journalistic and editorial use.
Key Visual
Press conference
For Exhibitors
Terms of use
With the Co-branding Guideline, the VDA makes the IAA TRANSPORTATION logo and claim available to exhibitors and the media for the preparation, support and follow-up of their trade show appearances or reports in print and online media as well as in moving images. The various formats can be downloaded free of charge from www.iaa.de. Additional formats are available for a fee on request from the VDA ([email protected]).
The IAA TRANSPORTATION logo is a trademark protected by copyright. The VDA grants exhibitors at the IAA and the press the exclusive right to use the IAA TRANSPORTATION logo and the IAA claim in the formats made available, without any changes to the design or technology, and only for the above-mentioned purposes in print and online media and in moving images. Any other use is not permitted, in particular any modification of the content or graphics, any distortion or addition to the original formats, e.g. by inserting the hall and stand number, rewording the claim or retouching graphic elements, etc. The use of the IAA logo and claim in print and online media and in moving images is only permitted for the above-mentioned purposes. The use of the IAA logo and claim is not permitted. The reproduction of logo formats is also not permitted.
We would like to point out that any misleading use of the official IAA presentations of the VDA (e.g. IAA TRANSPORTATION website, IAA app, IAA publications and all social media presentations of the IAA) is prohibited under competition law.