Available now

The official IAA App

Everything about IAA TRANSPORTATION always ready to hand in your pocket: The free IAA app is your mobile guide to IAA TRANSPORTATION from September 17 to 22, 2024 in Hanover.

Everything about IAA TRANSPORTATION always ready to hand in your pocket: The free IAA app is your mobile guide to IAA TRANSPORTATION from September 17 to 22, 2024 in Hanover.

The free IAA App is your mobile guide for the IAA TRANSPORTATION from September 17 to 22, with numerous features such as extensive coverage of events at the IAA Conference, the interactive site maps and the Match-Making service for trade visitors.


  • The most important features
  • Practical onboarding function
  • Personalized “My IAA” section
  • Quick search for exhibitors and products
  • Interactive site map
  • Program search and Favorites
  • Guide to the IAA Conference
  • Match-Making function for trade visitors boosts your network

There’s a lot on offer at the IAA TRANSPORTATION: the Fairground with the IAA Conference and the Experience Formats with its wide range of formats and stages. The official IAA App has many practical functions. It is your digital planning tool and a source of useful information providing an overview of the event and helping you put together your individual program. It can be downloaded free of charge from the stores for Apple iOS and Android smartphones from the mid of August, and will be available in German and English.

It just takes a few clicks to find general information about the IAA TRANSPORTATION – for instance the opening times, tickets, travel tips, partners, exhibitors or the complete program. You can use the IAA App to join in from any location and plan your visit in advance.

The most important features

  • Practical onboarding function
  • Personalized “My IAA” section including a diary
  • Detailed information and news about all the exhibitors
  • Push function with updates for all aspects of your visit
  • Search function to find exhibitors, products and topics
  • Site and hall plans
  • Match-Making tool to facilitate networking
  • Partner search

Practical onboarding function

You can choose from four visitor personas with predefined themed worlds and a selection of suitable exhibitors. You can add extra brands and topics of interest at any time.

Personalized “My IAA” section
In the “My IAA” section you can adapt your profile, upload a profile image, and define your interests. Here you can make or edit entries in your diary at any time and view your favorite exhibitors and items on the program. 

Quick search for exhibitors and product

Are you interested in a specific exhibitor or product? Then the IAA TRANSPORTATION App is for you. The Search function helps you find what you’re looking for in moments. And with the useful bookmark function it’s a simple matter to add a particular exhibitor (along with its exciting details page) to your Favorites.

The plan of the site and the halls ensures that you can always find your way around the Hanover trade show grounds. You can zoom in on the map for detailed views of the halls. If an exhibitor interests you, click on the map and let the exhibitor page inspire you. 

Program search and Favorites

Are you looking for a certain event? The IAA TRANSPORTATION App enables you to search the entire program. You can easily set filters to look for a certain day, a category or keywords.

Guide to the IAA Conference
Use the App to plan your visit to the IAA Conference in advance, with the search for tracks and speakers.

Match-Making function for trade visitors boosts your network
The practical Match-Making function offers trade visitors a digital community for sharing news and views and for networking. You can start as soon as you have activated the function and completed your profile. Search for contacts and launch a discussion right away by sending a message. Use the IAA App to make new contacts – wherever you are.

Download now

If you want to keep all the information about IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 conveniently in your pocket, you should definitely download the free IAA App in the app stores for Apple iOS and Android smartphones.

Now availablefor iOS and Android