Expert Guided Tours
Do you want to get a comprehensive overview of what is currently moving the transport and logistics industry, or are you a proven specialist in a particular industry topic and are looking for a face-to-face exchange with other experts in your field? Then safe your place now for one of the coveted Expert Guided Tours at IAA TRANSPORTATION.
What are the Guided Tours?
As part of the Expert Guided Tours, we will take you around the exhibition areas of IAA TRANSPORTATION - to precisely those exhibitors where you will receive all the important information and news on your core topic. In addition to condensed and comprehensible input from the experts, you will have the opportunity during the stops to ask questions and engage in direct exchange with the companies' speakers. To help you prepare, you will receive some of the most important content as handsheet before the tour begins.
When do the Guided Tours take place?
The Expert Guided Tours will take place during the IAA TRANSPORTATION between September 21 and 23. On each of the three days of the event, we will be offering our trade visitors three tours lasting several hours with different focus topics. Each of the three tours will take place once a day in English and once in German.
What topics are available?
IAA TRANSPORTATION offers Expert Guided Tours on three different focus topics:
The Expert Guided Tour Truck deals with the latest innovations from OEMs. The focus is on questions such as: What fuels will trucks run with in the future? What will the newest models look like? Or: Which new driving safety systems will conquer the market?
Meanwhile, as part of the Expert Guided Tour Bus, we will present the latest innovations from local and long-distance passenger transport and aim to stimulate an exchange on topics such as drive technologies, sustainability, safety, comfort and design.
The Expert Guided Tour Infrastructure & Urban will take you directly to the most important players from the fields of charging infrastructure, last mile, ride-pooling, transportation, real-time services, data networks, 5G expansion and production.
What are the benefits of the Guided Tours?
Thanks to our precise pre-selection of key topics and companies, the focus during your visit to IAA TRANSPORTATION is exclusively on the content that is really relevant to you. This not only saves you time, but also considerable work in the preliminary research. Thanks to the compact presentation format agreed with the participating exhibitors, you also receive the most important information in a maximal condensed form. In addition, the Expert Guided Tours provide the perfect setting for networking directly with other tour participants and experts from the industry.
Where can I buy tickets for the Guided Tours?
Tickets for the Expert Guided Tours at IAA TRANSPORTATION can be booked at the following link: https://linkssl.hanno-fair.com/IAA/2022/de.php. Participation costs 15 euros per person.